
This project recognizes named entity on twitter data. We are using Alan Ritters training and test set to train and test the CRF model.

How to run

These are the current results

processed 11570 tokens with 356 phrases; found: 298 phrases; correct: 163.
accuracy:  96.28%; precision:  54.70%; recall:  45.79%; FB1:  49.85
          company: precision:  62.86%; recall:  53.66%; FB1:  57.89  35
         facility: precision:  54.55%; recall:  30.00%; FB1:  38.71  11
          geo-loc: precision:  61.40%; recall:  60.34%; FB1:  60.87  57
            movie: precision:  33.33%; recall:  66.67%; FB1:  44.44  6
      musicartist: precision:  57.14%; recall:  33.33%; FB1:  42.11  7
            other: precision:  26.09%; recall:  19.67%; FB1:  22.43  46
           person: precision:  64.86%; recall:  61.54%; FB1:  63.16  111
          product: precision:  41.67%; recall:  27.78%; FB1:  33.33  12
       sportsteam: precision:  36.36%; recall:  22.22%; FB1:  27.59  11
           tvshow: precision:  50.00%; recall:  12.50%; FB1:  20.00  2


iiit-h, information retrieval and extraction course, major project